Publications of Stella Atkins at Hamarneh Lab
Conference articles
  1. Maryam Sadeghi, Geoff Tien, Ghassan Hamarneh, and Stella Atkins. Hands-free Interactive Image Segmentation Using Eyegaze. In SPIE Medical Imaging, volume 72601H, pages 1-10, 2009. Keyword(s): Segmentation, User Interaction, Graph based. [bibtex-key = spiemi2009]

  2. Yonas Weldeselassie, Ghassan Hamarneh, Faisal Beg, and Stella Atkins. Novel Decomposition of Tensor Distance into Shape and Orientation Distances. In Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention Workshop on Diffusion Modelling and the Fibre Cup (MICCAI DMFB), pages 173-180, 2009. Keyword(s): Diffusion MRI/Tensor-valued. [bibtex-key = miccai_dmfc2009]

  3. Yonas Weldeselassie, Ghassan Hamarneh, Samantha Palmer, Martin McKeown, and Stella Atkins. Diffusion Properties of Cortico-Striatal White Matter Tractography As Sensistive Markers of Parkinson's Disease. In The 17th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), 2009. Keyword(s): Diffusion MRI/Tensor-valued. [bibtex-key = ismrm2009]



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Last modified: Thu Apr 11 13:23:22 2024
Author: hamarneh.

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