CMPT 125 - Introduction to Computing Science and Programming II - Fall 2018

Course Information Syllabus Lectures Assignments Exams

Lecture 26 - November 27, 29
Practice Questions
Slides: [zip]
Lecture 25 - November 27
Exponential time algorithms
NP complete problems
Slides: [zip]
Lecture 24 - November 22
The Halting Problem
Slides: [zip]
Lecture 23 - November 20
Regular languages
* Deterministic finite automata
* Regular expressions
Slides: [zip]
Lecture 22 - November 15
Formal languages
Finite state automata
Slides: [zip]
Lecture 21 - November 13
Singletons in C++
Binary encoding
Slides: [zip]
Quiz: [pdf]
Lecture 20 - November 8
Introduction to C++
* Inheritance
* Generic data types
Slides: [zip]
Lecture 19 - November 6
Evaluating arithmetic expressions
* Infix notation
* Polish notation
Introduction to C++
* Objects
* Constructors
* Destructors
Slides: [zip]
Lecture 18 - November 1
Evaluating arithmetic expressions
* Infix notation
* Polish notation
Slides: [zip]
Lecture 17 - October 30
Midterm Exam
Lecture 16 - October 25
Review before midterm
Slides: [zip]
Lecture 15 - October 23
Binary Trees
Binary Search Trees
Slides: [zip]
Lecture 14 - October 18
Binary Trees
Slides: [zip]
Lecture 13 - October 16
Introduction to Graphs
Introduction to Trees
Binary Trees
Computing size/depth of a tree recursively
inOrder/preOrder/postOrder traversals
Breadth First Search on Binary Trees
Slides: [zip]
Quiz: [pdf]
Lecture 12 - October 11
Linked List
Implementing Stack using Linked List
Implementing Queue using Linked List
Doubly Linked List
On recursion and stack
Slides: [zip]
Lecture 11 - October 9
Abstract Data Types
* Stack
* Queue
* Linked List
Slides: [zip]
Lecture 10 - October 4
Quick sort - cont.
Comments on sorting algorithms
Slides: [zip]
Lecture 9 - October 2
Sorting algorithms
Merge sort
Selection sort
Insertion sort
Quick sort
Slides: [zip]
Quiz: [pdf]
Lecture 8 - September 27
More on Big-O notation
Slides: [zip]
Lecture 7 - September 25
Big-O notation
Binary search
Linear search
Slides: [zip]
Quiz: [pdf]
Lecture 6 - September 20
Measuring performance of algorithms
Big-O notation
Slides: [zip]
Lecture 5 - September 18
Global variables, static variable, macros
Memory allocation
Execution stack
Slides: [zip]
Lecture 4 - September 13
2D arrays
Slides: [zip]
Lecture 3 - September 11
Slides: [zip]
Quiz: [pdf]
Lecture 2 - September 6
Syntax in C: declaring variables, functions, loops
Slides: [zip]
Lecture 1 - September 4
Introduction to C
Variables and strong typing
Data vs address
Pointers and references
Slides: [zip]